Last night I was helping my brother move some of his stuff out of here and into his new apartment and I discovered some things about myself. First off was that my pants felt a little tight. Second, was that a few trips carrying stuff up and down to a thrid floor was tiring me out. Seems as if i've gained abit of weight, and im getting out of shape. So whats the problem, am I eating like a pig? Nope, thats not it at all. My problem is lack of exercise. You see, I love to walk places. I used to walk all over. A half hour to an hour walk that most my friends cry about as being too much, I love. The problem is, I really don't go out walking much anymore. Why not? Well, there's really no place to go here for one. And 2, walking through most places in this city over the past few years is not a very smart thing to do. Heck, with the Puerto Rican gangs that moved in down my street, I don't even like walking down there anymore. It seems that more and more people are getting fed up with it to, as shown by the "Home for sale" signs popping up all over.
So what is Scott going to do to avoid being a fat fuck? Well, if you read my last blog, you would know that im moving to Missouri next month. Thankfully crime where im moving to is very low, and from the looks of it, it seems to be a great place to be for people like myself who love long walks, and hiking. One thing is certain though, I will not become a fat fuck again. Yes, I was one one of those when I was like 13. I think I hit around 230 or so. I just got tired of being fat one day and stopped eating so much. Within a few months I lost all the weight needed and was no longer fat. So, right now is the time for me to put a stop to things before I start getting anyplace close to that weight I once was. Haha, sadly out in the Branson area im moving to, there's tons of great resteraunts. Im just hoping those don't get the best of me. If they do i'll have to make darn sure I take any gained weight off before it loses control.
On a related note, I would like to talk about fat people in general. Before I get into it though, please understand I am not mocking anyone who is overweight due to a medical problem or anything like that. I am am mocking these people who sit on their ass all day watching sports while shoving all sorts of fatty foods into their face all day. Im also mocking these similar morons who constantly eat fast food from places like McDonalds, only to sue them when they get too fat or have a heart attack. My fucking word some people need to get a clue. Also, if you are a fat person and are happy with your weight and have no issue then great. I have no problems with that. You're comfortable with yourself and you are not blaming everyone else for the weight. That I can respect.
As a once fat person myself, I know full well how much it sucks, so don't tell me how I don't understand how it is to be made fun of for being fat. So in short, if you are fat because you eat too much and never attempt to exercise, you should be mocked for your stupidity, just as I was when I was younger. Seriously, its like a person driving a car that they know has bad breaks. If they keep driving that car and get into an accident, then I have no pity for their stupidity. Just like if you keep eating shitty food, knowing that its bad for you, I have no pity for you getting fat.
Another thing I would like to bring up is normal sized girls who think their fat. Why is it so many normal sized women I know are under the impression that their fat when their not? Big deal if a girl is 10-20 pounds overweight and not rail thin. It just means she's human and actually eats. What even sadder is that most these women are so worried about their weight and health, yet you constantly see them sipping down aspartame products like diet sodas. That crap has got to be one of the worst things you can possibly take in. Im not gonna get into the whole asartame thing more then that, but those who do drink alot of it, would do well to do a little research on it for themselves.
Back to fat people, I would also like to add that fat people are funny. Want some proof, then just watch Weird Al's "Fat" video. Its hilarious. Better yet, check out "Fat Bastard" from the "Austin Powers" films. Plus another thing that may be considered funny is that many (not all) fat people stink. Yes they stink as if they havent showered in a week. Im not sure exactly why this is the case, but they do. Could it be that they have a hard time reaching into some of the rolls of fat on them when they wash? Hmm, maybe they don't wash at all. I recall meeting some girl through a friend that worked in a bakery at a local supermarket. This girl was fat. Now I knew she was a heavy girl, but she lied to me about her weight before meeting her. Now I wouldnt have held that against her if she were honest. It also didn't help that I could smell her from 20 feet away, and that when I met her and shook her hand she was all sweaty. Needless to say, I never ate at that bakery again. Could you blame me?
There's a movie out called Feed..this pic made me think of it :)
Im telling you, Branson is not very fun!!!
Feed huh? I never heard of it. I'll have to check that out.
As for Branson, we'll see. If anything its gotta be better then Fall River, so no matter what i'll be happier.
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