Yup I finally bought a PSP Gran Turismo pack. I didn't plan on it, but I broke down and bought one along with Castlevania, and SF Alpha Max. The other games are games I had already bought, but I included them in the shot anyway. Shortly after trying the system out, I discovered that there was an annoying faint boarder around the screen. Almost like burn that formed a frame. So I googled this and it seems that others had the same issue. So I hurried back to Best Buy asap to exchange it for the last Gran Turismo PSP set they had. Thankfully this new system is trouble free so far.
As far as my impressions of the system go, I really like it, but so far it fails to wow me like the DS the first day I got it. Yeah it looks prettier then the DS in motion, but it just seems to lack that certain magic the DS has. On the plus side, I love the fact that I can transfer my downloaded PS1 titles from my PS3, to it. So far i've only transfered Gex, and SF Alpha 2, but I plan on trying a few more out tonight. Finally, why couldn't Gran Turismo come in an actual PSP case? Instead it comes in a shitty cardboard case that won't do very much to protect it.
Next up are some games i've gotten over the past week and a half. No spectactular deals hear, but Tekken 6 was $50, GOW Collection $40, and Stormrise $20. And yes I already got Tekken on PS3 the day it hit, but for some reason I had the itch to buy it on 360 as well. In fact, this is the version I should have got from the start. Not only are the graphics slightly cleaner, but the load times are better, and the 360 pad just feels much better then the PS3 pad. Funny since the reason I got the PS3 version to begin with was because I felt its pad would offer better control to Tekken. Anyway, I may have forgotten to add a new game or 2 to the pic that i've gotten since my last blog, but for the life of me I cant remember. Oh well, I do remember some Wii VC games I downloaded though. Those games include Contra Rebirth, Final Fight 2, Blaster Master, Pulse Man, and Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Out of all these, I have to say Final Fight 2 did not age very well. Heck even when it was released it felt like a step back from the original. A shame that Capcom kinda screwed this series up so much after the first, while Sega took its similar Streets of Rage series, and kept improving upon it. I did like Final Fight Streetwise on Xbox though. Yeah it was flawed, but it was still a lot of fun.